Release Notes 2022.1.7

The 2022.1.7 release notes were released on 12/15/2022 and describe the following:

New Features

  • Ingesting data from JSON files.

  • ZLIB compression performance enhancements.

Storage Version

The storage version presently in effect is version 43.

Known Issues

Percentile is not supported for Window functions.

Version 2022.1.7 resolved Issues

SQ No.



SAVED QUERY execution internal error


Missing metadata optimization when joining TEXT columns


SQreamNet does not support the ExecuteNonQuery ADO.NET command

Configuration Changes

No configuration changes were made.

Naming Changes

No relevant naming changes were made.

Deprecated Features

SQream is declaring end of support of VARCHAR data type, the decision resulted by SQream’s effort to enhance its core functionalities and with respect to ever changing echo system requirements.

VARCHAR is no longer supported for new customers - effective from Version 2022.1.3 (September 2022).

TEXT data type is replacing VARCHAR and NVARCHAR - SQream will maintain VARCHAR data type support until 09/30/2023.

End of Support

No End of Support changes were made.

Upgrading to v2022.1.7

  1. Generate a back-up of the metadata by running the following command:

    $ select backup_metadata('out_path');


    SQream recommends storing the generated back-up locally in case needed.

    SQream runs the Garbage Collector and creates a clean backup tarball package.

  2. Shut down all SQream services.

  3. Extract the recently created back-up file.

  4. Replace your current metadata with the metadata you stored in the back-up file.

  5. Navigate to the new SQream package bin folder.

  6. Run the following command:

    $ ./upgrade_storage <levelDB path>


Upgrading from a major version to another major version requires you to follow the Upgrade Storage step. This is described in Step 7 of the Upgrading SQream Version procedure.