Installing SQream Using Binary Packages

This procedure describes how to install SQream using Binary packages and must be done on all servers.

To install SQream using Binary packages:

  1. Copy the SQream package to the /home/sqream directory for the current version:

    $ tar -xf sqream-db-v<2020.2>.tar.gz
  2. Append the version number to the name of the SQream folder. The version number in the following example is v2020.2:

    $ mv sqream sqream-db-v<2020.2>
  3. Move the new version of the SQream folder to the /usr/local/ directory:

    $ sudo mv sqream-db-v<2020.2> /usr/local/
  4. Change the ownership of the folder to sqream folder:

    $ sudo chown -R sqream:sqream  /usr/local/sqream-db-v<2020.2>
  5. Navigate to the /usr/local/ directory and create a symbolic link to SQream:

    $ cd /usr/local
    $ sudo ln -s sqream-db-v<2020.2> sqream
  6. Verify that the symbolic link that you created points to the folder that you created:

    $ ls -l
  7. Verify that the symbolic link that you created points to the folder that you created:

    $ sqream -> sqream-db-v<2020.2>
  8. Create the SQream configuration file destination folders and set their ownership to sqream:

    $ sudo mkdir /etc/sqream
    $ sudo chown -R sqream:sqream /etc/sqream
  9. Create the SQream service log destination folders and set their ownership to sqream:

    $ sudo mkdir /var/log/sqream
    $ sudo chown -R sqream:sqream /var/log/sqream
  10. Navigate to the /usr/local/ directory and copy the SQream configuration files from them:

$ cd /usr/local/sqream/etc/
$ cp * /etc/sqream

The configuration files are service configuration files, and the JSON files are SQream configuration files, for a total of four files. The number of SQream configuration files and JSON files must be identical.


Verify that the JSON files have been configured correctly and that all required flags have been set to the correct values.

In each JSON file, the following parameters must be updated:

  • instanceId

  • machineIP

  • metadataServerIp

  • spoolMemoryGB

  • limitQueryMemoryGB

  • gpu

  • port

  • ssl_port

See how to configure the Spool Memory and Limit Query Memory.

Note the following:

  • The value of the metadataServerIp parameter must point to the IP that the metadata is running on.

  • The value of the machineIP parameter must point to the IP of your local machine.

It would be same on server running metadataserver and different on other server nodes.

  1. Optional - To run additional SQream services, copy the required configuration files and create additional JSON files:

$ cp sqream2_config.json sqream3_config.json
$ vim sqream3_config.json


A unique instanceID must be used in each JSON file. IN the example above, the instanceID sqream_2 is changed to sqream_3.

  1. Optional - If you created additional services in Step 11, verify that you have also created their additional configuration files:

    $ cp sqream2-service.conf sqream3-service.conf
    $ vim sqream3-service.conf
  2. For each SQream service configuration file, do the following:

    1. Change the SERVICE_NAME=sqream2 value to SERVICE_NAME=sqream3.

    2. Change LOGFILE=/var/log/sqream/sqream2.log to LOGFILE=/var/log/sqream/sqream3.log.


If you are running SQream on more than one server, you must configure the serverpicker and metadatserver services to start on only one of the servers. If metadataserver is running on the first server, the metadataServerIP value in the second server’s /etc/sqream/sqream1_config.json file must point to the IP of the server on which the metadataserver service is running.

  1. Set up servicepicker:

    1. Do the following:

      $ vim /etc/sqream/server_picker.conf
    2. Change the IP to the IP of the server that the metadataserver service is running on.

    3. Change the CLUSTER to the value of the cluster path.

  2. Set up your service files:

    $ cd /usr/local/sqream/service/
    $ cp sqream2.service sqream3.service
    $ vim sqream3.service
  3. Increment each EnvironmentFile=/etc/sqream/sqream2-service.conf configuration file for each SQream service file, as shown below:

    $ EnvironmentFile=/etc/sqream/sqream<3>-service.conf
  4. Copy and register your service files into systemd:

    $ sudo cp metadataserver.service /usr/lib/systemd/system/
    $ sudo cp serverpicker.service /usr/lib/systemd/system/
    $ sudo cp sqream*.service /usr/lib/systemd/system/
  5. Verify that your service files have been copied into systemd:

    $ ls -l /usr/lib/systemd/system/sqream*
    $ ls -l /usr/lib/systemd/system/metadataserver.service
    $ ls -l /usr/lib/systemd/system/serverpicker.service
    $ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  6. Copy the license into the /etc/license directory:

    $ cp license.enc /etc/sqream/

If you have an HDFS environment, see Configuring an HDFS Environment for the User sqream.