Returns a DATE or DATETIME value, reset to midnight on the last day of the month.


This function is provided for SQL Server compatability.


EOMONTH( date_expr )





A DATE or DATETIME expression


The return type is the same as the argument supplied.


  • The time value will be set to midnight on the last day of the month,

  • See also TRUNC to find the first day of the month.


For these examples, consider the following table and contents:

CREATE TABLE cool_dates(name TEXT, d DATE, dt DATETIME);

INSERT INTO cool_dates VALUES ('Marty McFly goes back to this time','1955-11-05','1955-11-05 01:21:00.000')
    , ('Marty McFly came from this time', '1985-10-26', '1985-10-26 01:22:00.000')
    , ('Vesuvius erupts', '79-08-24', '79-08-24 13:00:00.000')
    , ('1997 begins', '1997-01-01', '1997-01-01')
    , ('1997 ends', '1997-12-31','1997-12-31 23:59:59.999');

Find last day of the month for a DATE

master=> SELECT name, d AS date, EOMONTH(d) FROM cool_dates;
name                               | date       | eomonth
Marty McFly goes back to this time | 1955-11-05 | 1955-11-30
Marty McFly came from this time    | 1985-10-26 | 1985-10-31
Vesuvius erupts                    | 0079-08-24 | 0079-08-31
1997 begins                        | 1997-01-01 | 1997-01-31
1997 ends                          | 1997-12-31 | 1997-12-31

Find the last day of the month for a DATETIME


The time value is reset to midnight, regardless of the original time value.

master=> SELECT name, dt AS datetime, EOMONTH(dt) FROM cool_dates;
name                               | datetime            | eomonth
Marty McFly goes back to this time | 1955-11-05 01:21:00 | 1955-11-30 00:00:00
Marty McFly came from this time    | 1985-10-26 01:22:00 | 1985-10-31 00:00:00
Vesuvius erupts                    | 0079-08-24 13:00:00 | 0079-08-31 00:00:00
1997 begins                        | 1997-01-01 00:00:00 | 1997-01-31 00:00:00
1997 ends                          | 1997-12-31 23:59:59 | 1997-12-31 00:00:00