Audit Log

An Audit Log, also known as an audit trail, is a record of system events, such as an activity or sequence of activities. Audit logs typically record what activities were performed, by who, and how your system responded. Such logs provide administrators a complete track record of your system operations, providing valuable insight into examining suspicious activity and diagnosing and troubleshooting specific issues. Audit logs can be used to enhance security by monitoring data and systems for vulnerabilities, identifying the misuse of internal data, and certify whether and to what degree users comply with document protocols.

The Audit Log feature can be queried and analyzed using the AUDIT_LOG command. Some common uses of the auditlog command are viewing executed SQL statements and login and logout events. SQream’s default data retention policy is set to one year.

For more information about our data retention policy, please contact BLUE support at

For more information about the AUDIT_LOG command, see AUDIT LOG.