Gathering Information for BLUE Support

Contact BLUE support at for any question.

Getting Support and Reporting Bugs

When contacting BLUE Support, we recommend reporting the following information:

  • What is the problem encountered?

  • What was the expected outcome?

  • How can BLUE reproduce the issue?

When possible, please attach as many of the following:

  • Error messages or result outputs

  • DDL and queries that reproduce the issue

  • Screen captures if relevant

  • Execution plan output

How BLUE Debugs Issues


If we are able to easily reproduce your issue in our testing lab, this greatly improves the speed at which we can fix it.

Reproducing an issue consists of understanding:

  1. What was BLUE doing at the time?

  2. How is the BLUE cluster configured?

  3. How does the schema look?

  4. What is the query or statement that exposed the problem?

  5. Were there any external factors? (e.g. Network disconnection, hardware failure, etc.)

See the Collecting a Reproducible Example of a Problematic Statement section ahead for information about collecting a full reproducible example.


Once we have a fix, this can be issued as a hotfix to an existing version, or as part of a bigger major release.

Your BLUE account manager will keep you up-to-date about the status of the issue.

Collecting a Reproducible Example of a Problematic Statement

BLUE contains an SQL utility that can help SQream support reproduce a problem with a query or statement.

This utility compiles and executes a statement, and collects the relevant data in a small database which can be used to recreate and investigate the issue.

SQL Syntax

SELECT EXPORT_REPRODUCIBLE_SAMPLE(output_path, query_stmt [, ... ])

output_path ::=





Path for the output archive. The output file will be a tarball.

query_stmt [, ...]

Statements to analyze.


SELECT EXPORT_REPRODUCIBLE_SAMPLE('/home/rhendricks', 'SELECT * FROM t', $$SELECT "Name", "Team" FROM nba$$);