
Workflows play a pivotal role in data preparation, modeling, and training. Managing intricate workflows requires the orchestration of sequences in which SQL and Python script dependencies trigger one another. The Jobs workflow management tool caters to this need, enabling both manual and scheduled automatic runs of workflows.

Before You Begin

It is essential that you create a BLUE client and associate it with an access token.

What are Jobs

A Job is an automated set of SQL and Python scripts that form a workflow. Think of a Job as your main strategy and the scripts as the individual steps needed to carry it out. Each script is represented by a single Task.

Job Permissions

A Job can have one owner. When granting ownership of a Job to another user, the current Job owner forfeits owner permissions and receives the permissions of a user with whom the Job is shared.


Job Owner

User Job is Shared With

User Job is not Shared With





Change Ownership


View Private Job

View Public Job

Make Job Private / Public