is an interactive shell designed to help manage a dockerized SQream DB installation.
The console itself is a dockerized application.
This page serves as a reference for the options and parameters.
Starting the console
can be found in your SQream DB installation, under the name sqream-console
Start the console by executing it from the shell
$ ./sqream-console
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Welcome to SQream Console ver 1.7.6, type exit to log-out
usage: sqream [-h] [--settings] {master,worker,client,editor} ...
Run SQream Cluster
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--settings sqream environment variables settings
sqream services
sub-command help
master start sqream master
worker start sqream worker
client operating sqream client
editor operating sqream statement editor
The console is now waiting for commands.
The console is a wrapper around a standard linux shell. It supports commands like ls
, cp
, etc.
All SQream DB-specific commands start with the keyword sqream
Operations and flag reference
Command |
Description |
Shows the initial usage information |
Controls the master node’s operations |
Controls workers’ operations |
Access to sqream sql |
Controls the statement editor’s operations (web UI) |
The master node contains the metadata server and the load balancer.
sqream master <flags>
Flag/command |
Description |
Starts the master node.
The |
Stops the master node and all connected workers.
The |
Shows a list of all active master nodes and their workers |
Sets the port for the load balancer. Defaults to |
Sets the port for the metadata server. Defaults to |
Common usage
Start master node
sqream-console> sqream master --start
starting master server in single_host mode ...
sqream_single_host_master is up and listening on ports: 3105,3108
Start master node on different ports
sqream-console> sqream master --start -p 4105 -m 4108
starting master server in single_host mode ...
sqream_single_host_master is up and listening on ports: 4105,4108
Listing active master nodes and workers
sqream-console> sqream master --list
container name: sqream_single_host_worker_1, container id: de9b8aff0a9c
container name: sqream_single_host_worker_0, container id: c919e8fb78c8
container name: sqream_single_host_master, container id: ea7eef80e038
Stopping all SQream DB workers and master
sqream-console> sqream master --stop --all
shutting down 2 sqream services ...
sqream_editor stopped
sqream_single_host_worker_1 stopped
sqream_single_host_worker_0 stopped
sqream_single_host_master stopped
Workers are SQream DB daemons, that connect to the master node.
sqream worker <flags>
Flag/command |
Description |
Starts worker nodes. See options table below. |
Stops the specified worker name.
The |
Start options are specified consecutively, separated by spaces.
Option |
Description |
Specifies the number of workers to start |
Specifies configuration files to apply to each worker. When launching multiple workers, specify one file per worker, separated by spaces. |
Sets the ports to listen on. When launching multiple workers, specify one port per worker, separated by spaces. Defaults to 5000 - 5000+n. |
Sets the GPU ordinal to assign to each worker. When launching multiple workers, specify one GPU ordinal per worker, separated by spaces. Defaults to automatic allocation. |
Sets the spool memory per node in gigabytes. |
Sets the hostname for the master node. Defaults to |
Sets the port for the master node. Defaults to |
For testing only: Starts a worker without connecting to the master node. |
Common usage
Start 2 workers
After starting the master node, start workers:
sqream-console> sqream worker --start 2
started sqream_single_host_worker_0 on port 5000, allocated gpu: 0
started sqream_single_host_worker_1 on port 5001, allocated gpu: 1
Stop a single worker
To stop a single worker, find its name first:
sqream-console> sqream master --list
container name: sqream_single_host_worker_1, container id: de9b8aff0a9c
container name: sqream_single_host_worker_0, container id: c919e8fb78c8
container name: sqream_single_host_master, container id: ea7eef80e038
Then, issue a stop command:
sqream-console> sqream worker --stop sqream_single_host_worker_1
stopped sqream_single_host_worker_1
Start workers with a different spool size
If no spool size is specified, the RAM is equally distributed among workers. Sometimes a system engineer may wish to specify the spool size manually.
This example starts two workers, with a spool size of 50GB per node:
sqream-console> sqream worker --start 2 -m 50
Starting multiple workers on non-dedicated GPUs
By default, SQream DB workers assign one worker per GPU. However, a system engineer may wish to assign multiple workers per GPU, if the workload permits it.
This example starts 4 workers on 2 GPUs, with 50GB spool each:
sqream-console> sqream worker --start 2 -g 0 -m 50
started sqream_single_host_worker_0 on port 5000, allocated gpu: 0
started sqream_single_host_worker_1 on port 5001, allocated gpu: 0
sqream-console> sqream worker --start 2 -g 1 -m 50
started sqream_single_host_worker_2 on port 5002, allocated gpu: 1
started sqream_single_host_worker_3 on port 5003, allocated gpu: 1
Overriding default configuration files
It is possible to override default configuration settings by listing a configuration file for every worker.
This example starts 2 workers on the same GPU, with modified configuration files:
sqream-console> sqream worker --start 2 -g 0 -j /etc/sqream/configfile.json /etc/sqream/configfile2.json
The client operation runs sqream sql in interactive mode.
The dockerized client is useful for testing and experimentation. It is not the recommended method for executing analytic queries. See more about connecting a third party tool to SQream DB for data analysis.
sqream client <flags>
Flag/command |
Description |
Connects to the master node via the load balancer |
Connects to a worker directly |
Specifies the hostname to connect to. Defaults to |
Specifies the port to connect to. Defaults to |
Specifies the role’s username to use |
Specifies the password to use for the role |
Specifies the database name for the connection. Defaults to |
Common usage
Start a client
Connect to default master
database through the load balancer:
sqream-console> sqream client --master -u sqream -w sqream
Interactive client mode
To quit, use ^D or \q.
master=> _
Start a client to a specific worker
Connect to database raviga
directly to a worker on port 5000:
sqream-console> sqream client --worker -u sqream -w sqream -p 5000 -d raviga
Interactive client mode
To quit, use ^D or \q.
raviga=> _
Start master node on different ports
sqream-console> sqream master --start -p 4105 -m 4108
starting master server in single_host mode ...
sqream_single_host_master is up and listening on ports: 4105,4108
Listing active master nodes and worker nodes
sqream-console> sqream master --list
container name: sqream_single_host_worker_1, container id: de9b8aff0a9c
container name: sqream_single_host_worker_0, container id: c919e8fb78c8
container name: sqream_single_host_master, container id: ea7eef80e038
The editor operation runs the web UI for the SQream DB Statement Editor.
The editor can be used to run queries from a browser.
sqream editor <flags>
Flag/command |
Description |
Start the statement editor |
Shut down the statement editor |
Specify a different port for the editor. Defaults to |
Common usage
Start the editor UI
sqream-console> sqream editor --start
access sqream statement editor through Chrome
Stop the editor UI
sqream-console> sqream editor --stop
sqream_editor stopped
Using the console to start SQream DB
The console is used to start and stop SQream DB components in a dockerized environment.
Starting a SQream DB cluster for the first time
To start a SQream DB cluster, start the master node, followed by workers.
The example below starts 2 workers, running on 2 dedicated GPUs.
sqream-console> sqream master --start
starting master server in single_host mode ...
sqream_single_host_master is up and listening on ports: 3105,3108
sqream-console> sqream worker --start 2
started sqream_single_host_worker_0 on port 5000, allocated gpu: 0
started sqream_single_host_worker_1 on port 5001, allocated gpu: 1
sqream-console> sqream editor --start
access sqream statement editor through Chrome
SQream DB is now listening on port 3108 for any incoming statements.
A user can also access the web editor (running on port 3000
on the SQream DB machine) to connect and run queries.