
SQream DB’s cluster manager/coordinator is called metadata_server.

In general, you should not need to run metadata_server manually, but it is sometimes useful for testing.

This page serves as a reference for the options and parameters.

Positional command line arguments

$ metadata_server [ <logging path> [ <listen port> ] ]




Logging path

Current directory

Path to store metadata logs into

Listen port


TCP listen port. If used, log path must be specified beforehand.

Starting metadata server

Starting temporarily

$ nohup metadata_server &
$ MS_PID=$!

Using nohup and & sends metadata server to run in the background.


  • Logs are saved to the current directory, under metadata_server_logs.

  • The default listening port is 3105

Starting temporarily with non-default port

To use a non-default port, specify the logging path as well.

$ nohup metadata_server /home/rhendricks/metadata_logs 9241 &
$ MS_PID=$!

Using nohup and & sends metadata server to run in the background.


  • Logs are saved to the /home/rhendricks/metadata_logs directory.

  • The listening port is 9241

Stopping metadata server

To stop metadata server:

$ kill -9 $MS_PID


It is safe to stop any SQream DB component at any time using kill. No partial data or data corruption should occur when using this method to stop the process.