Viewing Logs

The Logs screen is used for viewing logs and includes the following elements:



Filter area

Lets you filter the data shown in the table.

Query tab

Shows basic query information logs, such as query number and the time the query was run.

Session tab

Shows basic session information logs, such as session ID and user name.

System tab

Shows all system logs.


Because the logs are stored in the system database, you cannot search the logs without first creating a system database. When you access the Logs tab, SQream can automatically create a system database for you.

Filtering Table Data

From the Logs tab, from the FILTERS area you can also apply the TIMESPAN, ONLY ERRORS, and additional filters (Add). The Timespan filter lets you select a timespan. The Only Errors toggle button lets you show all queries, or only queries that generated errors. The Add button lets you add additional filters to the data shown in the table. The Filter button applies the selected filter(s).

Other filters require you to select an item from a dropdown menu:

  • INFO





You can also export a record of all of your currently filtered logs in Excel format by clicking Download located above the Filter area.

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Viewing Query Logs

The QUERIES log area shows basic query information, such as query number and the time the query was run. The number next to the title indicates the amount of queries that have been run.

From the Queries area you can see and sort by the following:

  • Query ID

  • Start time

  • Query

  • Compilation duration

  • Execution duration

  • Total duration

  • Details (execution details, error details, successful query details)

In the Queries table, you can click on the Statement ID and Query items to set them as your filters. In the Details column you can also access additional details by clicking one of the Details options for a more detailed explanation of the query.

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Viewing Session Logs

The SESSIONS tab shows the sessions log table and is used for viewing activity that has occurred during your sessions. The number at the top indicates the amount of sessions that have occurred.

From here you can see and sort by the following:

  • Timestamp

  • Connection ID

  • Username

  • Client IP

  • Login (Success or Failed)

  • Duration (of session)

  • Configuration Changes

In the Sessions table, you can click on the Timestamp, Connection ID, and Username items to set them as your filters.

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