Loading and Unloading Data
The Loading Data section describes concepts and operations related to importing data into your SQream database:
Overview of loading data - Describes best practices and considerations for loading data into SQream from a variety of sources and locations.
Alternatives to loading data (foreign tables) - Useful for running queries directly on external data without importing into your SQream database.
Supported data types - Overview of supported data types, including descriptions, examples, and relevant aliases.
Ingesting data from external sources - List of data ingestion sources that SQream supports.
Inserting data from external tables - Inserts one or more rows into a table.
Ingesting data from third party client platforms - Gives you direct access to a variety of drivers, connectors, tools, vizualisers, and utilities..
Using the COPY FROM statement - Used for loading data from files located on a filesystem into SQream tables.
Importing data using Studio - SQream’s web-based client providing users with all functionality available from the command line in an intuitive and easy-to-use format.
Loading data using Amazon S3 - Used for loading data from Amazon S3.
Troubleshooting - Describes troubleshooting solutions related to importing data from the following:
The Unloading Data section describes concepts and operations related to exporting data from your SQream database:
Overview of unloading data - Describes best practices and considerations for unloading data from SQream to a variety of sources and locations.
The COPY TO statement - Used for unloading data from a SQream database table or query to a file on a filesystem.