Workload Manager

The Workload Manager allows SQream workers to identify their availability to clients with specific service names. The load balancer uses that information to route statements to specific workers.


The Workload Manager allows a system engineer or database administrator to allocate specific workers and compute resources for various tasks.

For example:

  1. Creating a service queue named ETL and allocating two workers exclusively to this service prevents non-ETL statements from utilizing these compute resources.

  2. Creating a service for the company’s leadership during working hours for dedicated access, and disabling this service at night to allow maintenance operations to use the available compute.

Setting Up Service Queues

By default, every worker subscribes to the sqream service queue.

Additional service names are configured in the configuration file for every worker, but can also be set on a per-session basis.

Example - Allocating ETL Resources

Allocating ETL resources ensures high quality service without requiring management users to wait.

The configuration in this example allocates resources as shown below:

  • 1 worker for ETL work

  • 3 workers for general queries

  • All workers assigned to queries from management

Service / Worker

Worker #1

Worker #2

Worker #3

Worker #4


Query service


This configuration gives the ETL queue dedicated access to one worker, which cannot be used..

Queries from management uses any available worker.

Creating the Configuration

  "cluster": "/home/rhendricks/raviga_database",
  "cudaMemQuota": 25,
  "gpu": 0,
  "maxConnectionInactivitySeconds": 120,
  "legacyConfigFilePath": "tzah_legacy.json",
  "licensePath": "/home/sqream/.sqream/license.enc",
  "metadataServerIp": "",
  "limitQueryMemoryGB": 250,
  "machineIP": "",
  "metadataServerPort": 3105,
  "port": 5000,
  "useConfigIP": true
Legacy File
       "debugNetworkSession": false,
       "diskSpaceMinFreePercent": 1,
       "maxNumAutoCompressedChunksThreshold" : 1,
       "insertCompressors": 8,
       "insertParsers": 8,
       "nodeInfoLoggingSec": 60,
       "reextentUse": true,
       "separatedGatherThreads": 16,
       "showFullExceptionInfo": true,
       "useClientLog": true,


You can create this configuration temporarily (for the current session only) by using the SUBSCRIBE_SERVICE and UNSUBSCRIBE_SERVICE statements.

Verifying the Configuration

Use SHOW_SUBSCRIBED_INSTANCES to view service subscriptions for each worker. Use SHOW_SERVER_STATUS to see the statement queues.

service    | servernode | serverip      | serverport
management | node_9383  | |       5000
etl        | node_9383  | |       5000
query      | node_9384  | |       5001
management | node_9384  | |       5001
query      | node_9385  | |       5002
management | node_9385  | |       5002
query      | node_9551  |  |       5000
management | node_9551  |  |       5000

Configuring a Client Connection to a Specific Service

You can configure a client connection to a specific service in one of the following ways:

Using SQream Studio

When using SQream Studio, you can configure a client connection to a specific service from the SQream Studio, as shown below:


For more information, in Studio, see Executing Statements from the Toolbar.

Using the SQream SQL CLI Reference

When using the SQream SQL CLI Reference, you can configure a client connection to a specific service by adding --service=<service name> to the command line, as shown below:

$ sqream sql --port=3108 --clustered --username=mjordan --databasename=master --service=etl

Interactive client mode
To quit, use ^D or \q.


For more information, see the Sqream SQL CLI Reference.

Using a JDBC Client Driver

When using a JDBC client driver, you can configure a client connection to a specific service by adding --service=<service name> to the command line, as shown below:

JDBC Connection String

For more information, see the JDBC Client Driver.

Using an ODBC Client Driver

When using an ODBC client driver, you can configure a client connection to a specific service on Linux by modifying the DSN parameters in odbc.ini.

For example, Service="etl":

   Description=64-bit Sqream ODBC

On Windows, change the parameter in the DSN editing window.

For more information, see the ODBC Client Driver.

Using a Python Client Driver

When using a Python client driver, you can configure a client connection to a specific service by setting the service parameter in the connection command, as shown below:

con = pysqream.connect(host='', port=3108, database='raviga'
                       , username='rhendricks', password='Tr0ub4dor&3'
                       , clustered=True, use_ssl = False, service='etl')

For more information, see the Python (pysqream) connector.

Using a Node.js Client Driver

When using a Node.js client driver, you can configure a client connection to a specific service by adding the service to the connection settings, as shown below:

const Connection = require('sqreamdb');
const config = {
   host: '',
   port: 3108,
   username: 'rhendricks',
   password: 'Tr0ub4dor&3',
   connectDatabase: 'raviga',
   cluster: 'true',
   service: 'etl'

For more information, see the Node.js Client Driver.