Server Picker

SQreamDB’s load balancer is called server_picker.

Positional command line arguments


$ server_picker [ <Metadata server address> <Metadata server port> ] [ <TCP listen port> ] [ <SSL listen port> ] [ <server picker services> ] [ <refresh_interval> ] [ <logging configuration file> ]





Metadata server address

IP or hostname to an active metadata server

Metadata server port

TCP port to an active metadata server

TCP listen port


TCP port for server picker to listen on

SSL listen port


SSL port for server picker to listen on

server picker services

All services, unless specified otherwise

Defines which Worker will accept compilation jobs according to services. Accepts 1 or more services separated using a comma


15 seconds

Examines worker availability based on the specified time interval

logging configuration file

log4 logging to default log path(/tmp/logs)

Controls the format and destination of log output


$ server_picker 3105 3118 3119 sqream23, sqream0 metadata_log_properties

Starting server picker

Starting temporarily

In general, you should not need to run server_picker manually, but it is sometimes useful for testing.

Assuming we have a metadata server listening on the localhost, on port 3105:

$ nohup server_picker 3105 &
$ SP_PID=$!

Using nohup and & sends server picker to run in the background.

Starting temporarily with non-default port

Tell server picker to listen on port 2255 for unsecured connections, and port 2266 for SSL connections.

$ nohup server_picker 3105 2255 2266 &
$ SP_PID=$!

Using nohup and & sends server picker to run in the background.

Stopping server picker

$ kill -9 $SP_PID


It is safe to stop any SQream DB component at any time using kill. No partial data or data corruption should occur when using this method to stop the process.