September 2023

New Features

Resource Availability Status

Follow the number of Workers available for new queries at a glance with the Resource Availability Status located at the top of the page.

  • The status shows how many Workers are available out of your total number of Workers

  • A green dot at the left of the bar indicates that your cluster is active with one or more Workers up and running, while a red dot indicates that your cluster is suspended

  • Hovering over the status bar reveals information about your cluster, including your current cluster size, the number of Workers allocated to each of your resource pools, and which of your pools are currently active

Cluster Resize

You may now easily resize your BLUE cluster to be small, medium, or large. This means you can adjust the number of Workers you use as needed and according to workload changes to optimize costs during low demand and scale dynamically for peak performance.


Number of Workers




Useful for experimenting and getting to know BLUE



Gain basic parallelism capabilities



Gain parallelism capabilities such as concurrency, shorter query times, and the ability to adjust resource pool sizes to suit various business needs

Additional Client Action Audits

When executing the AUDITLOG command, you may now investigate the following client actions:

  • System shutdown, suspension, and resumption

  • Cluster resize

  • Newly created and deleted resource pools

  • Newly created and deleted Jobs and Tasks

  • Newly created, deleted, and edited Jobs

Resolved Issues



Different Parquet table structures provide uneven query performance

Query performance is stable throughout all Parquet table structures