.. _retrieving_execution_plan_output_using_studio: ************************************************ Retrieving Execution Plan Output Using Workbench ************************************************ You may use BLUE Workbench to create a query plan snapshot to be used for monitoring and troubleshooting slow running statements and for identifying long-running execution Workers that may cause performance issues. Keep in mind that CPU-based commands, such as all ``DESCRIBE`` commands, do not appear in the query plan snapshot. Retrieving Execution Plan Output ================================ You can retrieve the execution plan output either after the query execution has completed, in the case of a hanging query, or if you suspect no progress is being made. 1. In the **Result Panel**, select |icon-execution-details-view|. The **Execution Tree** window opens. 2. From the upper-right corner, select |icon-download| to download a CSV execution plan table. 3. Save the execution plan on your local machine. You can analyze this information using :ref:`monitoring_query_performance` or with assistance from BLUE support at `blue_support@sqreamtech.com `_ .. |icon-download| image:: /_static/images/studio_icon_download.png :align: middle .. |icon-execution-details-view| image:: /_static/images/studio_icon_execution_details_view.png