.. _information_for_support: ************************************** Gathering Information for BLUE Support ************************************** .. What do we want to look into a performance issue .. what about other kinds of issues .. what about bug reports Contact BLUE support at `blue_support@sqreamtech.com `_ for any question. Getting Support and Reporting Bugs ================================== When contacting `BLUE Support `_, we recommend reporting the following information: * What is the problem encountered? * What was the expected outcome? * How can BLUE reproduce the issue? When possible, please attach as many of the following: * Error messages or result outputs * DDL and queries that reproduce the issue * Screen captures if relevant * :ref:`Execution plan output` How BLUE Debugs Issues ====================== Reproduce --------- If we are able to easily reproduce your issue in our testing lab, this greatly improves the speed at which we can fix it. Reproducing an issue consists of understanding: #. What was BLUE doing at the time? #. How is the BLUE cluster configured? #. How does the schema look? #. What is the query or statement that exposed the problem? #. Were there any external factors? (e.g. Network disconnection, hardware failure, etc.) See the :ref:`reproducible_statement` section ahead for information about collecting a full reproducible example. Fix --- Once we have a fix, this can be issued as a hotfix to an existing version, or as part of a bigger major release. Your BLUE account manager will keep you up-to-date about the status of the issue. .. _reproducible_statement: Collecting a Reproducible Example of a Problematic Statement ============================================================ BLUE contains an SQL utility that can help SQream support reproduce a problem with a query or statement. This utility compiles and executes a statement, and collects the relevant data in a small database which can be used to recreate and investigate the issue. SQL Syntax ---------- .. code-block:: postgres SELECT EXPORT_REPRODUCIBLE_SAMPLE(output_path, query_stmt [, ... ]) ; output_path ::= filepath Parameters ---------- .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Parameter - Description * - ``output_path`` - Path for the output archive. The output file will be a tarball. * - ``query_stmt [, ...]`` - Statements to analyze. Example ------- .. code-block:: postgres SELECT EXPORT_REPRODUCIBLE_SAMPLE('/home/rhendricks', 'SELECT * FROM t', $$SELECT "Name", "Team" FROM nba$$); .. _collecting_logs: