.. _syntax_notation: ******** Notation ******** .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Notation - Description - Example * - ``UPPERCASE`` - Reserved words used as keywords in SQL statements. See full list :ref:`here` - ``SELECT`` * - ``lowercase`` - User-defined identifiers such as table names, column names, aliases, and variables. - ``table_name`` * - Arithmetic operators - Used to perform mathematical operations on numeric values. See full list :ref:`here` - ``%`` * - Comparison operators - Used to compare values or expressions and determine their relationship or equality within SQL statements. See full list :ref:`here` - ``=>`` * - ``""`` - Double quotes are used to enclose identifiers that contain special characters and reserved keywords. Unquoted identifiers are case-insensitive. When identifiers are enclosed in double quotes, they become case-sensitive. - ``SELECT * FROM "order";`` * - ``<>`` - Angle brackets are used to represent placeholders or user-defined elements in SQL statements - ```` * - ``[]`` - Square brackets are used as syntax notation to indicate optional inputs - ``GRANT LOGIN TO [, ...]`` * - ``|`` - The vertical bar is used to indicate a choice or alternative between different options. It signifies that only one option should be selected from the given set of possibilities. - ``GRANT { SUPERUSER | LOGIN } TO `` * - ``{}`` - The curly brackets are used to group options or parameters together. They indicate that the elements inside the brackets are choices, and you can select only one of them - ``GRANT { SUPERUSER | LOGIN } TO ``