:orphan: .. _describe_sessions: ***************** DESCRIBE SESSIONS ***************** The ``DESCRIBE SESSIONS`` command returns information about a user's current session. .. note:: ``DESCRIBE`` commands use CPU to increase usability. Syntax ====== The following is the syntax for the ``DESCRIBE SESSIONS`` command: .. code-block:: postgres DESC[RIBE] SESSIONS [ USER '' ] [ TIMEFRAME FROM '' TO '' ] [ INITIATED BY ( ALL | { External | Blue_UI_User | Blue_UI_System | CLI | Jobs | Statistics } ) ] Parameters ========== The following parameters can be used with the ``DESCRIBE SESSIONS`` command: .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Parameter Name - Parameter Value - Description - Type * - ``USER`` - ``user_name`` - Optional parameter for filtering by username - ``TEXT`` * - ``TIMEFRAME FROM`` - ``start_date_time`` - Optional parameter for filtering based on time frame (must be used in combination with ``TO``) - ``DATETIME`` * - ``TIMEFRAME TO`` - ``end_date_time`` - Optional parameter for filtering by time frame (must be used in combination with ``FROM``) - ``DATETIME`` * - ``INITIATED BY`` - ``ALL``, ``External``, ``Blue_UI_User``, ``Blue_UI_System``, ``CLI``, ``Jobs``, and/or ``Statistics``. Default is: ``Blue_UI_User``, ``CLI``, and ``External`` - Optional parameter for filtering based on the source that triggered the query - ``TEXT`` Output ====== Using the ``DESCRIBE SESSIONS`` command generates the following output: .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Parameter - Description - Type - Example * - ``start_time`` - Displays the start time of the session. - ``DATE`` - ``12-06-2022 06:16:56`` * - ``database`` - Displays the name of the database. - ``TEXT`` - ``master`` * - ``source_ip`` - Displays the IP address of the client connected to SQream. - ``INTEGER`` - ```` * - ``client`` - Displays the name and version of the client. - ``TEXT`` - ``SQream JDBC v0.1.33`` * - ``status`` - Displays the status of the client. - ``TEXT`` - ``Active`` * - ``session_id`` - Displays the session ID. - ``TEXT`` - ``efd226bb-cc57-4d41-8ff9-c9300830c571`` * - ``InitiatedBy`` - Displays the source that triggered the query - ``TEXT`` - ``CLI`` Examples ======== The following is an example of the ``DESCRIBE SESSIONS`` command: .. code-block:: postgres DESCRIBE SESSIONS; Output: .. code-block:: none +---------------------+----------------------+-----------+-------+----------------+----------------------+---------+-------------------+---------------------------------------+------------+------------+ | start_time | end_time | database | role | source_ip | client | status | rejection_reason | session_id | username |InitiatedBy | +=====================+======================+===========+=======+================+======================+=========+===================+=======================================+============+============+ | 2022-09-20 6:46:47 | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | master | N/A | | SQream JDBC v0.1.54 | Active | N/A | e77075e0-51cc-4956-b192-b68ce17a4bc5 | sqream |CLI | | 2022-09-20 6:46:46 | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | master | N/A | | SQream JDBC v0.1.54 | Active | N/A | 6f2c3ee3-4f4b-48f2-90d3-458a26c2788c | sqream |CLI | | 2022-09-20 6:46:46 | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | master | N/A | | SQream JDBC v0.1.54 | Active | N/A | e1e4ca64-5079-4e3d-bc47-c1216960ae0f | sqream |Jobs | | 2022-09-20 5:23:27 | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | master | N/A | | SQream Node.js | Active | N/A | 4bad606f-696f-42a2-9df1-c9f3eb1cf801 | sqream |Blue_UI_User| | 2022-09-20 5:22:28 | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | master | N/A | | SQream Node.js | Active | N/A | c5d86508-86e1-490f-8421-d2bfbc3f062c | sqream |Blue_UI_User| | 2022-09-20 5:19:39 | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | master | N/A | | SQream Node.js | Active | N/A | a6485840-1191-4154-a303-7872a466ac70 | sqream |Blue_UI_User| | 2022-09-20 5:19:25 | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | master | N/A | | SQream Node.js | Active | N/A | 2aaf1e33-3b55-4b2b-8fe9-c837d700665d | sqream |Blue_UI_User| | 2022-09-20 5:19:25 | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | master | N/A | | SQream Node.js | Active | N/A | 8f3c91b7-816e-4e36-b999-e4853e4fe255 | sqream |Blue_UI_User| | 2022-09-20 5:19:25 | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | master | N/A | | SQream Node.js | Active | N/A | ca5b1c86-a696-49f9-bc72-6fff76691799 | sqream |Blue_UI_User| +---------------------+----------------------+-----------+-------+----------------+----------------------+---------+-------------------+---------------------------------------+------------+------------+ The following is an example of the ``DESCRIBE SESSIONS`` command filtering a specific time frame: .. code-block:: postgres DESCRIBE SESSIONS TIMEFRAME FROM '2022-09-19 10:00:00' TO '2022-09-19 16:00:00'; Output: .. code-block:: none +----------------------+----------------------+-----------+-------+---------------+----------------------+---------+-------------------+---------------------------------------+------------+------------+ | start_time | end_time | database | role | source_ip | client | status | rejection_reason | session_id | username |InitiatedBy | +======================+======================+===========+=======+===============+======================+=========+===================+=======================================+============+============+ | 2022-09-19 15:32:49 | 2022-09-19 15:32:55 | master | N/A | | SQream JDBC v0.1.33 | Closed | N/A | dd40f403-ba34-460c-835b-2161a59f52a3 | sqream |CLI | | 2022-09-19 15:27:04 | 2022-09-19 15:27:04 | master | N/A | | SQream JDBC v0.1.33 | Closed | N/A | 914869f7-d4f4-45ea-9563-68eeb2ea3189 | sqream |CLI | | 2022-09-19 14:08:50 | 2022-09-19 14:08:59 | master | N/A | | SQream JDBC v0.1.33 | Closed | N/A | a4dfa69a-a73e-4731-81e5-b7c87dd8dc7b | sqream |Blue_UI_User| | 2022-09-19 14:08:38 | 2022-09-19 14:08:48 | master | N/A | | SQream JDBC v0.1.33 | Closed | N/A | c3339342-02fa-49e8-b7f1-1172d577c5b7 | sqream |Jobs | +----------------------+----------------------+-----------+-------+---------------+----------------------+---------+-------------------+---------------------------------------+------------+------------+ Permissions =========== A user may execute ``DESCRIBE SESSIONS`` to list his sessions. ``SUPERUSER`` may execute ``DESCRIBE SESSIONS`` to list any session by any user.