:orphan: .. _describe_locks: ************** DESCRIBE LOCKS ************** Returns a list of locks from across your cluster. .. note:: ``DESCRIBE`` commands use CPU to increase usability. Syntax ====== .. code-block:: sql DESC[RIBE] LOCKS Output ====== .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Parameter - Data Type - Description * - ``statement_id`` - Displays the statement ID that caused the lock - ``TEXT`` * - ``username`` - Displays the the user that executed the statement - ``TEXT`` * - ``server`` - Displays the the server name - ``TEXT`` * - ``port`` - Displays the the port number - ``TEXT`` * - ``locked_object`` - Displays the the full qualified name of the object being locked, separated with ``$`` - ``TEXT`` * - ``lockmode`` - Displays the the locking mode (``Inclusive`` or ``Exclusive``) - ``TEXT`` * - ``statement_start_time`` - Displays the timestamp the statement started - ``DATETIME`` * - ``lock_start_time`` - Displays the timestamp the lock was obtained - ``DATETIME`` * - ``statement_string`` - The SQL syntax that triggered this lock - ``TEXT`` Example ======= .. code-block:: postgres DESCRIBE LOCKS; Output: .. code-block:: none statement_id|username|server |port|locked_object|lock_mode|statement_start_time|lock_start_time |statement_string | ------------+--------+------------+----+-------------+---------+--------------------+--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 287 |sqream ||5000|database$t |Inclusive| 2019-12-26 00:03:30| 2019-12-26 00:03:30|CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE nba2 AS SELECT "Name" FROM nba WHERE REGEXP_COUNT("Name", '( )+', 8)>1;| Permissions =========== This command requires a ``SUPERUSER`` permission.