:orphan: .. _copy_to: ******* COPY TO ******* The ``COPY TO`` statement can be used to export data from your BLUE cluster by exporting tables or query results to your cloud storage. .. note:: To copy data from a file to a table, see :ref:`COPY FROM`. Syntax ====== .. code-block:: postgres COPY { []. [ ( [, ... ] ) ] | } TO [FOREIGN DATA] WRAPPER OPTIONS ( [ [, ...] ] ) fdw_name ::= csv_fdw | parquet_fdw | orc_fdw schema_name ::= identifier table_name ::= identifier copy_to_option ::= LOCATION = { S3 URI | HDFS URI | GCP URI } | DELIMITER = '' | RECORD_DELIMITER = '' | HEADER = { true | false } | AWS_ID = 'AWS ID' | AWS_SECRET = 'AWS Secret' | MAX_FILE_SIZE = '' | ENFORCE_SINGLE_FILE = { true | false } delimiter ::= string record delimiter ::= string AWS ID ::= string AWS Secret ::= string Elements ======== .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Parameter - Description * - ``[schema_name].table_name`` - Name of the table to be exported * - ``query`` - An SQL query that returns a table result, or a table name * - ``fdw_name`` - The name of the Foreign Data Wrapper to use Supported FDWs are: * ``csv_fdw`` * ``orc_fdw`` * ``avro_fdw`` * ``parquet_fdw`` * - ``LOCATION`` - A GCP, S3, HDFS, or local file system path. For example: * GCP: ``gs://blue_docs/nba.csv`` * S3: ``s3://sqream-docs/nba.csv`` * HDFS: ``hdfs://my-namenode:8020/foo.csv`` * - ``HEADER`` - Supported only for CSV. The CSV file will contain the file column header rows * - ``DELIMITER`` - Supported only for CSV. Specifies a character or string with which to separate fields (columns) for each row of the file. The default is a comma character (``,``) * - ``RECORD_DELIMITER`` - Supported only for CSV. Specifies s character or string with which to separate records in a data set * - ``AWS_ID``, ``AWS_SECRET`` - Specifies the authentication details for secured S3 buckets * - ``MAX_FILE_SIZE`` - Sets the maximum file size (bytes). Default value: 16*2^20 (16MB) * - ``ENFORCE_SINGLE_FILE`` - Enforces the maximum file size (bytes). Default value: ``true`` Permitted values: * ``true`` - creates one file of unlimited size. When set to ``true``, the single file size is not limited by the ``MAX_FILE_SIZE`` setting * ``false`` - permits creating several files together limited by the ``MAX_FILE_SIZE``. When set to ``false``, the combined file sizes cannot exceed the ``MAX_FILE_SIZE`` Field Delimiters ================ Field delimiters are characters used to separate fields within a data file. In the context of the ``COPY TO`` command, they specify how data should be separated when exporting data from a database table to a file. A tab can be specified by escaping it, for example ``\t``. Other non-printable characters can be specified using their octal representations, by using the ``E'\000'`` format, where ``000`` is the octal value of the character. For example, ASCII character ``15``, known as "shift in", can be specified using ``E'\017'``. .. note:: Delimiters are only applicable to the CSV file format. Printable ASCII Characters -------------------------- All printable ASCII character (except for ``N``) can be used as a delimiter without special syntax. The default CSV field delimiter is a comma (``,``). +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | **Character** | **Description** | **ASCII** | **Octal** | **Hex** | **Binary** | **HTML Code** | **HTML Name** | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | (Space) | Space | 32 | 40 | 20 | 100000 | | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | ! | Exclamation Mark | 33 | 41 | 21 | 100001 | ! | ! | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | # | Hash or Number | 35 | 43 | 23 | 100011 | # | # | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | $ | Dollar Sign | 36 | 44 | 24 | 100100 | $ | $ | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | % | Percentage | 37 | 45 | 25 | 100101 | % | % | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | & | Ampersand | 38 | 46 | 26 | 100110 | & | & | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | ( | Left Parenthesis | 40 | 50 | 28 | 101000 | ( | ( | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | ) | Right Parenthesis | 41 | 51 | 29 | 101001 | ) | ) | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | \*\ | Asterisk | 42 | 52 | 2A | 101010 | * | * | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | \+\ | Plus Sign | 43 | 53 | 2B | 101011 | + | + | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | , | Comma | 44 | 54 | 2C | 101100 | , | , | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | / | Slash | 47 | 57 | 2F | 101111 | / | / | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | ; | Semicolon | 59 | 73 | 3B | 111011 | ; | ; | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | < | Less Than | 60 | 74 | 3C | 111100 | < | < | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | = | Equals Sign | 61 | 75 | 3D | 111101 | = | = | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | > | Greater Than | 62 | 76 | 3E | 111110 | > | > | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | ? | Question Mark | 63 | 77 | 3F | 111111 | ? | ? | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | @ | At Sign | 64 | 100 | 40 | 1000000 | @ | @ | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | [ | Left Square Bracket | 91 | 133 | 5B | 1011011 | [ | [ | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | \\ | Backslash | 92 | 134 | 5C | 1011100 | \&\#92\; | \ | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | ] | Right Square Bracket | 93 | 135 | 5D | 1011101 | ] | ] | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | ^ | Caret or Circumflex | 94 | 136 | 5E | 1011110 | ^ | &hat; | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | _ | Underscore | 95 | 137 | 5F | 1011111 | _ | _ | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | \` | Grave Accent | 96 | 140 | 60 | 1100000 | \&\#96\; | ` | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | { | Left Curly Bracket | 123 | 173 | 7B | 1111011 | { | { | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | \|\ | Vertical Bar | 124 | 174 | 7C | 1111100 | | | | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | } | Right Curly Bracket | 125 | 175 | 7D | 1111101 | } | } | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | ~ | Tilde | 126 | 176 | 7E | 1111110 | ~ | ˜ | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 65 | A | A | 101 | 41 | 1000001 | A | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 66 | B | B | 102 | 42 | 1000010 | B | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 67 | C | C | 103 | 43 | 1000011 | C | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 68 | D | D | 104 | 44 | 1000100 | D | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 69 | E | E | 105 | 45 | 1000101 | E | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 70 | F | F | 106 | 46 | 1000110 | F | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 71 | G | G | 107 | 47 | 1000111 | G | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 72 | H | H | 110 | 48 | 1001000 | H | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 73 | I | I | 111 | 49 | 1001001 | I | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 74 | J | J | 112 | 4A | 1001010 | J | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 75 | K | K | 113 | 4B | 1001011 | K | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 76 | L | L | 114 | 4C | 1001100 | L | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 77 | M | M | 115 | 4D | 1001101 | M | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 79 | O | O | 117 | 4F | 1001111 | O | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 80 | P | P | 120 | 50 | 1010000 | P | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 81 | Q | Q | 121 | 51 | 1010001 | Q | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 82 | R | R | 122 | 52 | 1010010 | R | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 83 | S | S | 123 | 53 | 1010011 | S | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 84 | T | T | 124 | 54 | 1010100 | T | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 85 | U | U | 125 | 55 | 1010101 | U | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 86 | V | V | 126 | 56 | 1010110 | V | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 87 | W | W | 127 | 57 | 1010111 | W | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 88 | X | X | 130 | 58 | 1011000 | X | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 89 | Y | Y | 131 | 59 | 1011001 | Y | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 90 | Z | Z | 132 | 5A | 1011010 | Z | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 92 | \\ | Backslash | 134 | 5C | 01011100 | \&\#92\; | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 97 | a | a | 141 | 61 | 1100001 | a | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 98 | b | b | 142 | 62 | 1100010 | b | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 99 | c | c | 143 | 63 | 1100011 | c | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 100 | d | d | 144 | 64 | 1100100 | d | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 101 | e | e | 145 | 65 | 1100101 | e | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 102 | f | f | 146 | 66 | 1100110 | f | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 103 | g | g | 147 | 67 | 1100111 | g | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 104 | h | h | 150 | 68 | 1101000 | h | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 105 | i | i | 151 | 69 | 1101001 | i | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 106 | j | j | 152 | 6A | 1101010 | j | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 107 | k | k | 153 | 6B | 1101011 | k | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 108 | l | l | 154 | 6C | 1101100 | l | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 109 | m | m | 155 | 6D | 1101101 | m | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 110 | n | n | 156 | 6E | 1101110 | n | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 111 | o | o | 157 | 6F | 1101111 | o | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 112 | p | p | 160 | 70 | 1110000 | p | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 113 | q | q | 161 | 71 | 1110001 | q | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 114 | r | r | 162 | 72 | 1110010 | r | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 115 | s | s | 163 | 73 | 1110011 | s | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 116 | t | t | 164 | 74 | 1110100 | t | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 117 | u | u | 165 | 75 | 1110101 | u | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 118 | v | v | 166 | 76 | 1110110 | v | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 119 | w | w | 167 | 77 | 1110111 | w | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 120 | x | x | 170 | 78 | 1111000 | x | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 121 | y | y | 171 | 79 | 1111001 | y | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 122 | z | z | 172 | 7A | 1111010 | z | | +---------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ Non-Printable ASCII Characters ------------------------------ +---------------+---------------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+ | **Character** | **Description** | **Octal** | **ASCII** | **Hex** | **Binary** | **HTML Code** | +---------------+---------------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+ | NUL | Null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | � | +---------------+---------------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+ | SOH | Start of Heading | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |  | +---------------+---------------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+ | STX | Start of Text | 2 | 2 | 2 | 10 |  | +---------------+---------------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+ | ETX | End of Text | 3 | 3 | 3 | 11 |  | +---------------+---------------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+ | EOT | End of Transmission | 4 | 4 | 4 | 100 |  | +---------------+---------------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+ | ENQ | Enquiry | 5 | 5 | 5 | 101 |  | +---------------+---------------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+ | ACK | Acknowledge | 6 | 6 | 6 | 110 |  | +---------------+---------------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+ | BEL | Bell | 7 | 7 | 7 | 111 |  | +---------------+---------------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+ | BS | Backspace | 10 | 8 | 8 | 1000 |  | +---------------+---------------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+ | HT | Horizontal Tab | 11 | 9 | 9 | 1001 | | +---------------+---------------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+ | VT | Vertical Tab | 13 | 11 | 0B | 1011 | | +---------------+---------------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+ | FF | NP Form Feed, New Page | 14 | 12 | 0C | 1100 | | +---------------+---------------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+ | SO | Shift Out | 16 | 14 | 0E | 1110 |  | +---------------+---------------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+ | SI | Shift In | 17 | 15 | 0F | 1111 |  | +---------------+---------------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+ | DLE | Data Link Escape | 20 | 16 | 10 | 10000 |  | +---------------+---------------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+ | DC1 | Device Control 1 | 21 | 17 | 11 | 10001 |  | +---------------+---------------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+ | DC2 | Device Control 2 | 22 | 18 | 12 | 10010 |  | +---------------+---------------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+ | DC3 | Device Control 3 | 23 | 19 | 13 | 10011 |  | +---------------+---------------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+ | DC4 | Device Control 4 | 24 | 20 | 14 | 10100 |  | +---------------+---------------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+ | NAK | Negative Acknowledge | 25 | 21 | 15 | 10101 |  | +---------------+---------------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+ | SYN | Synchronous Idle | 26 | 22 | 16 | 10110 |  | +---------------+---------------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+ | ETB | End of Transmission Block | 27 | 23 | 17 | 10111 |  | +---------------+---------------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+ | CAN | Cancel | 30 | 24 | 18 | 11000 |  | +---------------+---------------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+ | EM | End of Medium | 31 | 25 | 19 | 11001 |  | +---------------+---------------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+ | SUB | Substitute | 32 | 26 | 1A | 11010 |  | +---------------+---------------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+ | ESC | Escape | 33 | 27 | 1B | 11011 |  | +---------------+---------------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+ | FS | File Separator | 34 | 28 | 1C | 11100 |  | +---------------+---------------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+ | GS | Group Separator | 35 | 29 | 1D | 11101 |  | +---------------+---------------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+ | RS | Record Separator | 36 | 30 | 1E | 11110 |  | +---------------+---------------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+ | US | Unit Separator | 37 | 31 | 1F | 11111 |  | +---------------+---------------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+ | DEL | Delete | 177 | 127 | 7F | 1111111 |  | +---------------+---------------------------+-----------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+ Unsupported ASCII Field Delimiters ---------------------------------- +-----------+---------------+------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | **ASCII** | **Character** | **Description** | **Octal** | **Hex** | **Binary** | **HTML Code** | **HTML Name** | +-----------+---------------+------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 10 | LF | NL Line Feed, New Line | 12 | 0A | 1010 | | | +-----------+---------------+------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 13 | CR | Carriage Return | 15 | 0D | 1101 | | | +-----------+---------------+------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 34 | " | Double Quote | 42 | 22 | 100010 | " | " | +-----------+---------------+------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 45 | \-\ | Minus Sign | 55 | 2D | 101101 | - | − | +-----------+---------------+------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 46 | . | Period | 56 | 2E | 101110 | . | . | +-----------+---------------+------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 48 | 0 | Zero | 60 | 30 | 110000 | 0 | | +-----------+---------------+------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 49 | 1 | Number One | 61 | 31 | 110001 | 1 | | +-----------+---------------+------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 50 | 2 | Number Two | 62 | 32 | 110010 | 2 | | +-----------+---------------+------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 51 | 3 | Number Three | 63 | 33 | 110011 | 3 | | +-----------+---------------+------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 52 | 4 | Number Four | 64 | 34 | 110100 | 4 | | +-----------+---------------+------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 53 | 5 | Number Five | 65 | 35 | 110101 | 5 | | +-----------+---------------+------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 54 | 6 | Number Six | 66 | 36 | 110110 | 6 | | +-----------+---------------+------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 55 | 7 | Number Seven | 67 | 37 | 110111 | 7 | | +-----------+---------------+------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 56 | 8 | Number Eight | 70 | 38 | 111000 | 8 | | +-----------+---------------+------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 57 | 9 | Number Nine | 71 | 39 | 111001 | 9 | | +-----------+---------------+------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 58 | : | Colon | 72 | 3A | 111010 | : | : | +-----------+---------------+------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 92 | \\ | Backslash | 134 | 5C | 01011100 | \&\#92\; | | +-----------+---------------+------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ | 78 | N | N | 116 | 4E | 1001110 | N | | +-----------+---------------+------------------------+-----------+---------+------------+---------------+---------------+ Date Format ----------- The date format in the output CSV is formatted as ISO 8601 (``2019-12-31 20:30:55.123``), regardless of how it was parsed initially with :ref:`COPY FROM date parser`. For more information on the ``datetime`` format, see :ref:`sql_data_types_date`. Examples ======== Exporting Data to Cloud Storage ------------------------------- Saving files to an authenticated S3 bucket **without** the header row: .. code-block:: psql COPY nba TO WRAPPER csv_fdw OPTIONS ( LOCATION = 's3://sqream-docs/nba.csv', DELIMITER = '\t', HEADER = false, AWS_ID = 'my_aws_id', AWS_SECRET = 'my_aws_secret' ); Exporting a table to a CSV file **with** the HEADER row: .. code-block:: psql COPY nba TO WRAPPER csv_fdw OPTIONS ( LOCATION = 'gs://blue_docs/nba.csv', DELIMITER = '\t', HEADER = true ); Exporting a table to a TSV file with a HEADER row: .. code-block:: psql COPY nba TO WRAPPER csv_fdw OPTIONS ( LOCATION = 's3://sqream-docs/nba.csv', DELIMITER = '\t', HEADER = true ); Using Non-Printable ASCII Characters as Delimiters -------------------------------------------------- The following is an example of using non-printable ASCII characters as delimiters: Non-printable characters can be specified using their octal representations, by using the ``E'\000'`` format, where ``000`` is the octal value of the character. For example, ASCII character ``15``, known as "shift in", can be specified using ``E'\017'``. .. code-block:: psql COPY nba TO WRAPPER csv_fdw OPTIONS ( LOCATION = 's3://sqream-docs/nba.csv', DELIMITER = '\t', DELIMITER = E'\017' ); .. code-block:: psql COPY nba TO WRAPPER csv_fdw OPTIONS ( LOCATION = 's3://sqream-docs/nba.csv', DELIMITER = '\t', DELIMITER = E'\011' -- 011 is a tab character ); Using the ``MAX_FILE_SIZE`` and ``ENFORCE_SINGLE_FILE`` parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------ .. code-block:: psql COPY nba TO WRAPPER csv_fdw OPTIONS ( MAX_FILE_SIZE = '250000000', ENFORCE_SINGLE_FILE = 'true', LOCATION = 's3://sqream-docs/nba.csv' ); Permissions ============= The ``COPY TO`` command requires a ``SELECT`` permission on every table or schema that is referenced by the statement.