:orphan: .. _drop_role: ***************** DROP ROLE ***************** The ``DROP ROLE`` command is used for removing roles from the database. The optional ``IF EXISTS`` clause can be included to prevent an error if the specified role does not exist. If the ``IF EXISTS`` clause is omitted and the role does not exist, an error will be raised. See also :ref:`create_role`. Syntax ====== .. code-block:: postgres drop_role_statement ::= DROP ROLE [IF EXISTS] role_name ::= identifier Parameters ========== .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Parameter - Description * - ``role_name`` - Role name to be removed Examples ======== .. code-block:: postgres DROP ROLE new_role; Permissions =========== To drop a role, the current role must have a ``SUPERUSER`` permission. You can learn more about system permissions in the :ref:`access control guide`.