:orphan: .. _between: ************************** BETWEEN ************************** ``BETWEEN`` is used to simplify range tests, by returning ``TRUE`` when the input is within two boundaries. Syntax ========== .. code-block:: postgres expr [ NOT ] BETWEEN lower_bound AND upper_bound Arguments ============ .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Parameter - Description * - ``expr`` - A general value expression or a literal. * - ``lower_bound``, ``upper_bound`` - Lower and upper bounds, of the same data type as ``expr`` Returns ============ Returns ``TRUE`` when ``expr`` is within the bounds, or ``FALSE`` otherwise. Notes ======= * ``expr BETWEEN X AND Y`` is equivalent to ``expr >=X AND expr <=Y``. * The upper boundary must be greater than the lower boundary Examples =========== BETWEEN ----------- .. code-block:: psql farm=> SELECT name, num_eyes FROM cool_animals WHERE num_eyes BETWEEN 5 and 8 name | num_eyes ---------------+--------- Spider | 8 Starfish | 5 Praying mantis | 5 NOT BETWEEN -------------- .. code-block:: psql farm=> SELECT name, num_eyes FROM cool_animals WHERE num_eyes NOT BETWEEN 5 and 8 name | num_eyes ---------------+--------- Human | 2 Horseshoe crab | 10 Box Jellyfish | 24 Fox | 2 Possum | 2