.. _february_2024: ****************** February 2024 ****************** ``DESCRIBE SESSION QUERIES`` New Output Parameter ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ``DESCRIBE SESSION QUERIES`` command provides an output listing running and queued queries per session, including details such as the executing role, execution time, duration, and client information. A new column, ``pool_name``, has been introduced to indicate the resource pool used for executing the monitored queries. See :ref:`DESCRIBE SESSION QUERIES` New Filtering for ``DESCRIBE SESSIONS`` and ``AUDITLOG`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The new ``INITIATED BY`` filter, which facilitates access to information about the source triggering the queries proves particularly useful for examining queries initiated either by users or by the system exclusively. See :ref:`DESCRIBE SESSIONS` and :ref:`AUDIT LOG` Data Types Cast Operation Enhancement ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Safely cast data types with the new :ref:`is_castable` function. This function allows you to check whether a cast operation is possible or supported for a given column and data type and provides an alternative when an exception occurs when used within a CASE statement.