.. _monitoring_jobs: *************** Monitoring Jobs *************** The **History** tab is your go-to for checking the current job status, the last execution time, and the next scheduled execution. Job status may be one of four options: .. list-table:: Job Status :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Status - Description * - Completed Successfully - Your job was successfully completed * - Failed - Your job has failed and is not completed * - Running - Your job is currently running * - Pending - Your job will be executed as soon as a Worker becomes available .. topic:: ``clusteradmin`` A ``clusteradmin`` can enable **View cluster jobs** to view all the Jobs of all users. This is helpful for managing your cluster and keeping it clean. Failed Jobs =========== 1. To investigate failed Jobs, in the sidebar, go to **Jobs** and select the **History** tab. 2. Select the Job you wish to investigate. A drop-down table opens, revealing one of four options for each task: .. list-table:: Task Status :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Status - Description * - Done - Task was successfully completed * - Failed - Task has failed and is not completed * - Running - Task is currently running * - Pending - Task will be executed as soon as a Worker becomes available 3. To retrieve a failed task log, click on the **Failed** button. A pop-up error log opens, depicting error details. .. |scheduled_job| image:: /_static/images/jobs/scheduled_job.png :align: middle .. |delete_script| image:: /_static/images/jobs/delete_script.png :align: middle .. |add_task| image:: /_static/images/jobs/add_task.png :align: middle .. |scheduled_task| image:: /_static/images/jobs/scheduled_task.png :align: middle .. |delete_task| image:: /_static/images/jobs/delete_task.png :align: middle .. |three_dot_job| image:: /_static/images/jobs/three_dot_job.png :align: middle .. |locked_lock| image:: /_static/images/jobs/locked_lock.png :align: middle .. |open_lock| image:: /_static/images/jobs/open_lock.png :align: middle .. |play_job| image:: /_static/images/jobs/play_job.png :align: middle .. |stop_job| image:: /_static/images/jobs/stop_job.png :align: middle