.. _drafting_jobs: ************* Drafting Jobs ************* Whether you're actively working on a Job for an extended duration or have initiated the composition without completion, you can choose to save it as a draft. If you navigate away without saving the Job manually, it will be automatically preserved in the **Jobs** > **Drafts** section. Only the creator of a draft can edit it. 1. In the sidebar, go to **Jobs**. 2. Select the **Create New Job** button, enter Job name, and select **Save**. The newly created Job page opens. 3. In the upper left corner, type in the task name and description. 4. Drag a script from the **Scripts** menu to the **Drag Script** box of the task. Ensure that your script is saved under your bucket parent directory or it will not show in the menu. 5. To create a task, select the |add_task| located under the last task in the **Preview** window. 6. You may now close the webpage you are working on and the Job will be automatically saved under **Jobs** > **Drafts**. 7. To edit a Job that is saved to **Drafts**, hover over a Job that you created, and from the |three_dot_job| menu choose **Edit Job**. .. |scheduled_job| image:: /_static/images/jobs/scheduled_job.png :align: middle .. |delete_script| image:: /_static/images/jobs/delete_script.png :align: middle .. |add_task| image:: /_static/images/jobs/add_task.png :align: middle .. |scheduled_task| image:: /_static/images/jobs/scheduled_task.png :align: middle .. |delete_task| image:: /_static/images/jobs/delete_task.png :align: middle .. |three_dot_job| image:: /_static/images/jobs/three_dot_job.png :align: middle .. |locked_lock| image:: /_static/images/jobs/locked_lock.png :align: middle .. |open_lock| image:: /_static/images/jobs/open_lock.png :align: middle .. |play_job| image:: /_static/images/jobs/play_job.png :align: middle .. |stop_job| image:: /_static/images/jobs/stop_job.png :align: middle