.. _performing_basic_blue_operations: ********* Workflows ********* Workflows play a pivotal role in data preparation, modeling, and training. Managing intricate workflows requires the orchestration of sequences in which SQL and Python script dependencies trigger one another. The **Jobs** workflow management tool caters to this need, enabling both manual and scheduled automatic runs of workflows. Before You Begin ================ It is essential that you create a BLUE client and associate it with an :ref:`access token`. .. topic:: ``clusteradmin`` Only a ``clusteradmin`` can create access tokens. What are Jobs ============= A Job is an automated set of SQL and Python scripts that form a workflow. Think of a Job as your main strategy and the scripts as the individual steps needed to carry it out. Each script is represented by a single **Task**. Job Permissions --------------- A Job can have one owner. When granting ownership of a Job to another user, the current Job owner forfeits owner permissions and receives the permissions of a user with whom the Job is shared. .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Permission - Job Owner - User Job is Shared With - User Job is not Shared With * - Edit - |:white_check_mark:| - |:no_entry:| - |:no_entry:| * - Delete - |:white_check_mark:| - |:no_entry:| - |:no_entry:| * - Duplicate - |:white_check_mark:| - |:white_check_mark:| - |:white_check_mark:| * - Share - |:white_check_mark:| - |:white_check_mark:| - |:no_entry:| * - Change Ownership - |:white_check_mark:| - |:no_entry:| - |:no_entry:| * - Export - |:white_check_mark:| - |:white_check_mark:| - |:white_check_mark:| * - View Private Job - |:white_check_mark:| - |:white_check_mark:| - |:no_entry:| * - View Public Job - |:white_check_mark:| - |:white_check_mark:| - |:white_check_mark:| * - Make Job Private / Public - |:white_check_mark:| - |:no_entry:| - |:no_entry:| .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :glob: :hidden: performing_basic_blue_operations/creating_a_job performing_basic_blue_operations/drafting_jobs performing_basic_blue_operations/managing_existing_jobs performing_basic_blue_operations/monitoring_jobs