.. _first_steps: *********** First Steps *********** This guide provides an overview of the key steps to begin using BLUE. The guide covers the login process, connecting to third-party tools, effectively managing resources, and working with Jobs, a powerful SQL workflow tool. * Learn how to :ref:`log in` to BLUE for the first time. * Take a :ref:`quick tour` around the BLUE web interface. * Start practicing with SQream Blue by running :ref:`TPC-H sample data `. * :ref:`Manage your resources ` and reduce runtime during idle periods for better costs. Allocate workers based on department-specific needs for improved cluster utilization. * Learn how to use **Jobs**, a SQL and Python :ref:`workflow tool ` designed for creating complex workflows. Jobs automates sequences of SQL and Python scripts, triggering them to deliver insights or prepare data for advanced tasks such as data modeling and training. * :ref:`Connect` your favorite data analysis platforms and BI tools using :ref:`Pysqream` or :ref:`JDBC`. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :glob: :hidden: log_in blue_tour sample_data