Locating the Log Files
The storage cluster contains a logs
directory. Each worker produces a log file in its own directory, which can be identified by the worker’s hostname and port.
Additional internal debug logs may reside in the main logs
The worker logs contain information messages, warnings, and errors pertaining to SQream DB’s operation, including:
Server start-up and shutdown
Configuration changes
Exceptions and errors
User login events
Session events
Statement execution success / failure
Statement execution statistics
Log Structure and Contents
The log is a CSV, with several fields.
Field |
Description |
Start delimiter. When used with the end of line delimiter can be used to parse multi-line statements correctly |
Row Id |
Unique identifier for the row |
Timestamp |
Timestamp for the message (ISO 8601 date format) |
Information Level |
Information level of the message. See information level table below |
Thread Id |
System thread identifier (internal use) |
Worker hostname |
Hostname of the worker that generated the message |
Worker port |
Port of the worker that generated the message |
Connection Id |
Connection Id for the message. Defaults to |
Database name |
Database name that generated the message. Can be empty for no database |
User Id |
User role that was connected during the message. Can be empty if no user caused the message |
Statement Id |
Statement Id for the message. Defaults to |
Service name |
Service name for the connection. Can be empty. |
Message type Id |
Message type Id. See message type table below) |
Message |
Content for the message |
End of line delimiter |
Level |
Description |
System information like start up, shutdown, configuration change |
Fatal errors that may cause outage |
Errors encountered during statement execution |
Warnings |
Information and statistics |
Information helpful for debugging |
In-depth information helpful for debugging, such as tracing system function executions and identifying specific error conditions or performance issues. |
Type |
Level |
Description |
Example message content |
Statement start information |
Statement passed to another worker for execution |
Statement has entered execution |
Statement execution completed |
Compilation error, with accompanying error message |
Execution error, with accompanying error message |
Size of data read from disk in megabytes |
Row count of result set |
Processed Rows |
Session start - Client IP address |
Login |
Session end |
SHOW_NODE_INFO periodic output |
Exception occured in a statement |
Worker startup message |
Show all configuration values |
"Flags configuration:
compileFlags, extendedAssertions, false, true;
compileFlags, useSortMergeJoin, false, false;
compileFlags, distinctAggregatesOnHost, true, false;
SQream DB metadata version |
Fatal server error |
Configuration change |
Worker shutdown |
Log file name syntax
is formatted%y%m%d
, for example20191231
for December 31st 2019.By default, each worker will create a new log file every time it is restarted.
is the log’s sequence. When a log is rotated, the sequence number increases. This starts at000
For example, /home/rhendricks/sqream_storage/
See the Changing Log Rotation below for information about controlling this setting.
Log Control and Maintenance
Changing Log Verbosity
A few configuration settings alter the verbosity of the logs:
Flag |
Description |
Default |
Values |
Used to control which log level should appear in the logs |
Sets an interval for automatically logging long-running statements’ SHOW_NODE_INFO output.
Output is written as a message type |
Positive whole number >=1. |
Changing Log Rotation
A few configuration settings alter the log rotation policy:
Flag |
Description |
Default |
Values |
Sets the size threshold in megabytes after which a new log file will be opened. |
Frequency of log rotation |
Collecting Logs from Your Cluster
Collecting logs from your cluster can be as simple as creating an archive from the logs
subdirectory: tar -czvf logs.tgz *.log
However, SQream DB comes bundled with a data collection utility and an SQL utility intended for collecting logs and additional information that can help SQream support drill down into possible issues.
SQL Syntax
output_path ::=
mode ::=
log | db | db_and_log
Command Line Utility
If you cannot access SQream DB for any reason, you can also use a command line tool to collect the same information:
$ ./bin/report_collection <path to storage> <path for output> <mode>
Parameter |
Description |
Path for the output archive. The output file will be named |
One of three modes:
* |
Write an archive to /home/rhendricks
, containing log files:
SELECT REPORT_COLLECTION('/home/rhendricks', 'log')
Write an archive to /home/rhendricks
, containing log files and metadata database:
SELECT REPORT_COLLECTION('/home/rhendricks', 'db_and_log')
Using the command line utility:
$ ./bin/report_collection /home/rhendricks/sqream_storage /home/rhendricks db_and_log
Troubleshooting with Logs
Loading Logs with Foreign Tables
Assuming logs are stored at /home/rhendricks/sqream_storage/logs/
, a database administrator can access the logs using the Foreign Tables concept through SQreamDB.
start_marker TEXT(4),
row_id BIGINT,
timestamp DATETIME,
message_level TEXT,
thread_id TEXT,
worker_hostname TEXT,
worker_port INT,
connection_id INT,
database_name TEXT,
user_name TEXT,
statement_id INT,
service_name TEXT,
message_type_id INT,
message TEXT,
end_message TEXT(5)
WRAPPER csv_fdw
LOCATION = '/home/rhendricks/sqream_storage/logs/**/sqream*.log',
For more information, see Loading Logs with Foreign Tables.
Counting Message Types
t=> SELECT message_type_id, COUNT(*) FROM logs GROUP BY 1;
message_type_id | count
0 | 9
1 | 5578
4 | 2319
10 | 2788
20 | 549
30 | 411
31 | 1720
32 | 1720
100 | 2592
101 | 2598
110 | 2571
200 | 11
500 | 136
1000 | 19
1003 | 19
1004 | 19
1010 | 5
Finding Fatal Errors
t=> SELECT message FROM logs WHERE message_type_id=1010;
Internal Runtime Error,open cluster metadata database:IO error: lock /home/rhendricks/sqream_storage/rocksdb/LOCK: Resource temporarily unavailable
Internal Runtime Error,open cluster metadata database:IO error: lock /home/rhendricks/sqream_storage/rocksdb/LOCK: Resource temporarily unavailable
Mismatch in storage version, upgrade is needed,Storage version: 25, Server version is: 26
Mismatch in storage version, upgrade is needed,Storage version: 25, Server version is: 26
Internal Runtime Error,open cluster metadata database:IO error: lock /home/rhendricks/sqream_storage/LOCK: Resource temporarily unavailable
Countng Error Events Within a Certain Timeframe
t=> SELECT message_type_id,
. COUNT(*)
. FROM logs
. WHERE message_type_id IN (1010,500)
. AND timestamp BETWEEN '2019-12-20' AND '2020-01-01'
message_type_id | count
500 | 18
1010 | 3
Tracing Errors to Find Offending Statements
If we know an error occured, but don’t know which statement caused it, we can find it using the connection ID and statement ID.
t=> SELECT connection_id, statement_id, message
. FROM logs
. WHERE message_level = 'ERROR'
. AND timestamp BETWEEN '2020-01-01' AND '2020-01-06';
connection_id | statement_id | message
79 | 67 | Column type mismatch, expected UByte, got INT64 on column Number, file name: /home/sqream/nba.parquet
Use the connection_id
and statement_id
to narrow down the results.
t=> SELECT database_name, message FROM logs
. WHERE connection_id=79 AND statement_id=67 AND message_type_id=1;
database_name | message
master | Query before parsing
master | SELECT * FROM nba_parquet